
Sponsorship Opens Doors to Share Jesus

The children in sponsorship have been faithfully coming to church and bible studies, by helping them be able to go to school it gives us access to also share Jesus with their families.

Sponsorship Changes Their Future

  Most of the children in sponsorship have not been able to go to school. Education allows the children to have the opportunity for a better life, food, safety, security, keeps them from early marriage (as in at 13-14 years), Christian education, and opens the door for us to build a relationship with their family and prayerfully lead them to Christ.

Three Different Sponsorship Groups

We have three different groups for child sponsorship.

The funding needed for each child in Elementary/Middle school is $360 per year ($30 per month). This group includes most of our students, neighbors, and those we have met who visit us at the house or attend church.

The second group comprises of students from the island or who are in dangerous situations. They are unable to attend day school while living with their families, so must go to boarding school. The funds needed for each boarding student is $600 per year; in addition to tuition it also includes their meals, toiletries, snacks, bed sheets, clothes.

We also have High School students (Secondary School is grades 8th-14th. They are all in a boarding school that provides them with daily bible studies, meals, a bed, and safe place to learn. The cost for a high school student is $50/month or $600/year for sponsorship.

Any sponsor can either contribute monthly or annually.

For these students sponsorship is an answer to prayer. They are safe, able to learn, and go to Christian schools that teach the Word of God. We at Poeima Ministries are so thankful for your support and prayers because when a child is sponsored it allows us so much more access and contact,  with these families and neighbors, to share Jesus and how much He cares about them.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child you can sign up through here.

Monthly/Yearly Recurring Child Sponsorship

One-time Gift
