About Us

Poeima Ministries was founded in 2020 in Entebbe, Uganda with the heart of discipling children and their families to grow them in the Lord.

Ministry Activities

Poeima Ministries works primarily in school sponsorship, helping to provide education and safety to nearly 50 children.

Through that we are able to build relationships with families and encourage them in the Lord.

We also do various bible studies for young men, teenagers, children, and school outreaches.


One of the biggest parts of our ministries is school sponsorship and helping at-risk children have access to education, meals, and a safe environment. Through this we are able to also build relationships with the parents, meet with the family, and share Jesus with them. We have seen families get saved, start attending church, and grow in the Lord.


We would love your support in prayer! Please sign up for our newsletters to receive updates on how you can pray for the ministry in Uganda.